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What is the OCG evaluation?

The OCG evaluation - Your step to world change



"Be the change you wish to see in this world!"

Mahatma Gandhi





Do you agree that our world needs change? The daily pictures in the media of war, hunger and exploitation clearly display this fact. Well, you can't do anything anyway? Then you haven't heard of the OCG evaluation before!


The OCG evaluation is unique world  wide. Over the past 15 years it has helped thousands of people, partnerships and whole families being led from disharmony and chaos into lasting peace and new perspectives. Taking part in an evaluation could also become the starting point for you on your mission of changing the world - for the one who changes himself changes the world.


               (Transformed families)


  What is OCG?




The “Organic-Christ-Generation” (OCG) is made up of people who have found fresh faith in the fact that change is possible through the example of Ivo Sasek, his family and friends.


The OCG is a worldwide movement, which is convinced that humanity is a global organism that is networked with each other in an organic way, and that is not able to exist for long without divine guidance.  The OCG has learned to live and act as ONE (1) organism under the Head of Jesus Christ regardless of age, sex, denomination or origin. Why don’t you believe it as well that God, through people, can save the world from the grip of egoism and unrighteousness! Yet, only through those who let themselves be changed and learn to harmonize as one body.